Laser Concept has helped thousands of people over the years. Here are just a few of the testimonials from people who were helped using the Laser Concept treatment.
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Smoking Success Stories:
Yes you may use our success story. My husband and I cannot thank you enough! The laser procedure worked when nothing else would. I have smoked for 43 years. I was smoking over 2 packs a day and my husband smoked for 39 years, also over 2 packs a day. One morning I woke up and literally could not breath, small puffs, coughing, gasping.. I thought I was going to have to call for an ambulance. We have both tried every method there is with no luck. Now we have been smoke free for 22 days. no cravings, no withdrawal (don't even miss them). It's a feeling of almost never having smoked before..and the money saved!! As a reward next year we are going to Hawaii on the money saved. I'm sorry; I just can't seem to say enough for this wonderful find. This is the best thing I have done for myself in a long time. My husband and I did this together. We thought we would need each others support, but we didn't. The good thing about the procedure is that it seems to take away all thoughts of smoking, to the point that you don't even realize you are not smoking. If you EVER want to do something good for yourself, this is it. I did it and so can you! Good luck to all.
- Vickie Bolton, Palm Bay, FL July 2002
I quit Aug. 17, 2002 with the help of Laser Concept. It has been 2 weeks and 3 days and I feel wonderful! It's amazing! I have absolutely NO cravings for cigarettes. I will say I think about it due to habit, but the craving is just not there. I have referred several people, two of whom have had it done and are also doing well. Thanks Jim and Laser Concept, you've really made a difference.
- Tricia Ledford, FL Aug. 2002
It has been three weeks and I am proud to say that I am SMOKE FREE! NO CRAVINGS.NO PROBLEMS. I am through! I smoked 3 packs a day for many years and I tried everything to quit but to no avail. I want to thank Jim, Andrew and the rest of Laser Concept. It is the best money I have ever spent on myself ever. Thank you for changing my life. I am no longer a prisoner to those nasty cigs. You are the best!
- Donald L. Woods, FL Nov. 2002
Finally, after 25 years of dipping Copenhagen, something to help me quit! Laser Concept helped me to go three months and without tobacco.
- Paul S., FL June 2002
It has been several weeks since I visited with you. I had smoked on average two packs daily for over 30 years. Since undergoing your treatment I am amazed as are my friends.
- John H. FL Sept. 2002
It has now been just over 2 months since I had the laser treatment done. I feel great! No more coughing when I get wake up, and no more of that nasty smell. It has worked so well that 8 more of my friends have gone.. ALL SUCCESSFUL! Great job! I will recommend this to anyone who wants to quit.
- Jan Fogg, FL Oct. 2002
You treated my husband and I nine weeks ago. We are smoke free! I want to thank you and your staff. I have tried for years to stop but nothing worked.
- Joan & Donald Rider, Okeechobee, FL Aug. 2002
What can I say?! December will be a whole year since Michael quit smoking, without a single problem. I'm down 12 lbs. since Labor Day, when I had my first treatment for weight loss. We could never thank you all enough!!! Also, it's always nice to step through the doors of "Laser Concept" because you all are very friendly, positive in your thinking and very encouraging. Thanks again for everything.
- Jackie & Mike Berg, Amherst N.Y.
I tried hypnosis, gum, the patch and nothing worked 'till Laser Concept. It really worked for me.
- Joe D'agostino, Buffalo, N.Y.
I admit I was very nervous about this. I had been a very heavy smoker for over 10 years. At this time of my life I had just lost my mother to lung cancer, everyone wanted me to quit but I didn't. I kept smoking. Then one day I heard about Laser Concept some two years later and decided I wanted to quit. I smoked my last cigarette on their doorstep. I am happy to say to this day, I haven't touched a cigarette.
- Deborah Puntillo
Just wanted to inform you how much we all appreciate your commercial for "Laser Concept". Working in a medical facility, we should know better, but fools we are. From 9 smokers, because of all of you, we are down to 3 smokers. As of Tuesday it will be 2 because my husband and I have our appointment then. Please continue to stress the importance of getting help to stop. Laser Concept does work, we have the proof, and it's still working from 17 months to 3 weeks. Everyone feels and smells much better. Keep playing that commercial! Thank you all.
- Joan Ladowski, Buffalo N.Y.
Laser Concept was the best thing that ever happened to me. I had no desire for smoking and felt much better. Keeping my hands a little busy and my mind on nice things, it was great!!! - - Jackie Gruber, 1996
It was 14 months ago and 1 week that I have been smoke free. THANKS...THANKS...THANKS.
- Buck W. Aegeis, 1998
I came in Nov. 1, 1996. I've been smoke-free since. I didn't even remember smoking. Even when I'm having a bad day. I don't think about having a cigarette. I've told all my friends about it and so far two people have done it. One's even from Colorado. Thanks.
- Kathy Roberts, 1997
Laser Concept helped me to quit smoking 1 year and a half ago and I have not wanted to smoke since. My overall health has improved and I can breath much better since I quit smoking. I hope that if you really want to quit smoking you have Laser Concept help you. They really helped me. Good luck. - Linda Penwick, 1999
Janet, you are a blessing! ! ! I have been smoke-free since Jan. 15,1993!! The greatest accomplishment I've ever done! THANKS FOREVER! (Just referred my sixth friend today!)
- Joan C. Luezar, 2000
I smoked approximately 2 packs of cigarettes a day for over 35 years. I had my first "Laser Concept" treatment Nov. 1, 1997 and have not had a cigarette since. That's over 9 months! Thank you Laser Concept.
- Roselin Koormed, 1998
I want to thank you once again for the stop smoking treatment I received this past Saturday. Over the last four days, I had a few thoughts about smoking but they disappeared as quickly as they came on. I am very impressed with the laser therapy. Now both my husband and I are smoke-free. - -
- Cindy Kent, 2001
I brought my son Chris for the stop smoking treatment on 1/24/01. He has not smoked since, nor has he craved cigarettes at all. He truly enjoyed the treatment and felt very relaxed and comfortable for the next few days. He has had no problems whatsoever. I continue to share the information and xeroxed your literature for some people who requested it. So, thank you again and again.
- Sue G., 2001
I quit smoking after 1 treatment. I smoked nearly 2 packs a day for 37 years. I feel great and several people have told me how much better I look. Thank you Janet Taylor and Laser Concept.
- Jill Pacelli, 1999
Seven years non-smoking! It was the best thing for me. Yes, I have been telling people about it for a long time.
- Robert O. Donolyn, Jr., 1999
Weight Loss Success Stories:
I lost 18 lbs. with the Laser Concept treatment and I am continuing with the treatments to lose another 20 lbs.
- Harriet Dupree, Batavia N.Y.
I lost 20 lbs. using the Laser Concept method. My goal is to lose 20 more lbs. and with Laser Concept I know I'll be able to do it.
- Darlene Rhodes, Oakfield N.Y.
I lost 30 lbs. with Laser Concept. I feel great and I'm thrilled with my success. Yes, you can use my name as one of your success stories.
- Lauren W. Watson, Buffalo N.Y.